Human Risk

Whatever the risks of Space Tourism turn out to be, it is instructive to look at risks in other high risk industries. This gives us an idea of what sort of risks both customers and employees tolerate, as well as what risk levels we would have to get down to in order to be safer than these.

Occupational Risks

In US labor market for 2001.

Occupationfatalities per 100,000/yearChance of death in 40 years
Fishing 151.2 6.0%
Timber 127.8 5.1%
Mining 109.7 4.4%
Overall Average 4.3 0.2%

Entertainment Risks

People do things for fun that have some level of danger. The idea of "adventure tourism" apeals to many people.

ActivityDeath danger
Long term smoking~50% chance of early death
Climb Everest before 199037% per summit
Climb Everest after 19904% per summit
Astronaught before 2004 >1% per flight
Own a Motorcycle (avg. 2351 miles/year)1% in 15 years
cave diving
surfing really big waves
sailing trip around the world
african safaries
sky dive
scuba diving
river rafting
boat trip to antartica
learning to fly
driving a car
catching the flu

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